Ghazkhull Thraka - Prophecy of the Wolf

Ghazkhull Thraka - Prophecy of the Wolf

Ghazkhull Thraka - Ork Warlord

Thraka, is one of the most influential Orks in the galaxy during the late 41st Millennium. Waging war across hundreds of planets controlled by the Aeldari to Chaos, and of course the Imperium of Man.

From the "Goff" Klan, he is known to be a prophet of the WAAAGH! (A term designating a campaign of war across the stars on an apocalyptic scale). 

So, how did Thraka become a Warlord?

Ghazkhull was involved on a raid of a Space Marine Command Sanctum in the space region of Zornian. During the initial rush of the raid, Thraka took a bolter shell to the head, promptly turning a portion of his head, and brain to mush. 

 One sign of respect from Ork culture is the ability to get up from a mortal wound (to many other races) and continue the fight. Thraka survived the raid fully and returned to Rustspike, an outpost run by the "Deathskullz". In Rustspike, a painboy (doctor of sorts) was paying those who brought him fresh material. 

One gruesome Operation later, Thraka emerged with half a head filled with bionics, wires and "squig sinew" to hold it together, alongside adamantium plating to lock it in. In addition to his awakening and being medically upgraded, Thraka had a vision - one that would plague the Imperium for a distinct period of time - that it was his destiny to create the biggest WAAAAGH! in all of Orkish history.

After coming out of the Operation, walking along the Orkish street of dingy shelter and lighting, a Deathskull Warlord named Dregmek spotted Thraka emerging from the Painboy's tent. Demanding to know what a Goff was doing in Rustspike territory, his gang of Nobz making a ruckus behind him, expecting some blood-sport to watch.

Dregmek opened fire with his kombi-bolter expecting that a Goff would advance toward him. He was right about that, but not expecting the outcome. Ghazkhull advanced onward, with the bullets of the bolter flying around him. Perhaps a stroke of luck from the Ork Gods of Gork and Mork, to protect their prophet, Thraka advanced untouched from the onslaught of fire. 

Ghazkhull delivered punch after punch and pummeled his opponent, which a headbutt from his new metal cranium finishing the job. After the event unfolded he proclaimed that this was just the beginning. 


With Games Workshop currently re-opened website wise, we now have the Prophecy of the Wolf Sets (limited stock) for purchase at:

Happy modelling folks!

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