5 Reasons To Choose Astra Militarum In The 9th Edition

5 Reasons To Choose Astra Militarum In The 9th Edition

5 Reasons To Choose Astra Militarum

The 9th Edition brings us new rules and strategems to use in the battle against factions with a wide variety expertise. The Astra Militarum; the bulwark against the hordes that threaten Imperial Space in the 40k Universe are getting some much needed love but not in the way that would make them terribly overpowered.



1. Morale Phase

Morale is often the deal-breaker for a lot of games for the Astra Militarum since their leadership value is lower than most.

Here's where one new rule comes in; Combat Attrition. It takes place after a normal morale test and, if you're lucky can help you retain your forces. When you fail a morale test, you take a D6 roll for each model in the Unit. This means that they can stay or if you're not getting that RNG dice roll then they flee!


2. "Big Guns Never Tire"

This rule, deftly says it all - being allowed to shoot rather than have a standard Strength Attack. Minus one to hit, is acceptable when being able to shoot, perhaps a higher strength assault cannon at your enemy instead!


3. The Hellhound

Many know the Hellhound even if they don't collect the faction. But it's common knowledge it's got a flamethrower on it's turret and can cause some serious damage to infantry.

Using a new strategem called "Splash Damage" for 1CP, it is now possible to re-roll wound rolls against Units that are using cover! Alongside the fact that point #2 mentioned, they can fire in combat... a big yikes!


4. Bullgryns and Psyker Powers

Bullgryns are effectively the Space Marines of the Astra Militarum. They can dish out a beating and take one in return; especially using the "Take Cover" strategem giving them +1 to the saving throw. Now with a Psyker in your army; you can use "Psychic Barrier".



The term "beefy" doesn't even begin to describe a Unit that can modify a saving throw by +2 in a turn, effectively making them cheap Terminators.


5. The Wyvern

Last but not least, the Astra Militarum are famed for their devastating artillery barrages using the good ol' Basilisks. The Wyvern, can make (if the dice are supporting your war effort) an incredible 24 shots! Not to mention you can re-roll failed wound rolls for the weapon. As an added bonus, if the "Direct Onslaught" stratagem is used, you get a +1 bonus to the hit rolls for it too!


That's it for the Top 5 reasons to play Astra Militarum guys! We hope you enjoyed reading even if you're not a faction collector for the Militarum, you can certainly know what to watch out for on the field!


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