The Indomitus 40k Set: 3 Things We Love About It

The Indomitus 40k Set: 3 Things We Love About It

It's now been a few days since Indomitus was released and this is our reasons why we think the "biggest and best" box that GW has released yet, is true to it's word:

#1) The Value For Money!

- A lot can be said sometimes about the expenses that appear on Debit/Credit cards whenever a visit to a Games Workshop stockist happens. But this is one of the few times that GW has released a box set that has a very good price tag. Aside from getting a whopping 60 models that are all new and exclusive, the new 9th Edition rulebook also comes with it. Debating how much you would normally be spending on the models and the books included; approximately 60 Push Fit Citadel Miniatures - if we look at buying it separately; the Necrons alone would be roughly £80-90 alone. The Space Marines added on would be somewhat the same due to having more characters available than the Necron side. We're talking about £150, maybe a little more and that's without the Core Book (£40 RRP) on top! Thus value for money gets the big tick in the box for this set.

#2) New Paints!

- Some cool additions to the paint pot gallery we each have at home. Runelord Brass, Cryptek Armour Shade, Canoptek Alloy and the brilliant Tesseract Glow. The reason I say the Tesseract Glow paint is brilliant, is because it has so much more use outside of the obvious Necron glowy eyes and weaponry. Browsing Reddit and other forums I've seen it being used on Space Marines eyes, plasma weaponry, even damage marks from a plasma round into a tank or shield as prime examples. The paint really helps give a war-torn feeling to characters and vehicles without them even being part of the Necron faction (where it's primary use is pretty obvious of course). We can only hope that they will take this and create various other colours in the same manner for easy and creative "glows" to be applied on models in the future.

#3) The New Ruuuules!

- One of the finest parts of Indomitus, no matter if you purely collect Space Marines, Necrons or any other faction is that you have the new rules with all it's alterations from the 8th Edition. They have re-worded a lot of the rulings that in the past have not been quite as specific as we would've liked and made it a lot easier to follow. The addition of new phases have made it easier to plan moves and remember you have moves still to do!

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