5 Things You Should Know About Hexfire

5 Things You Should Know About Hexfire

With only one week to go, Games Workshop's newest release looks like it will follow the past big boxes, for example - Prophecy of the Wolf. The set releases on Saturday, 14th August for hobbyists everywhere and we even have a few more copies available here with us to pre-order.

#1) Firstly, we have the value of the box. Standard RRP is £105. Fairly average for one of Games Workshops new sets. While we at Will's give all customers 20% off making it just £84 - there's still adding up the worth of the box to do...


Let's break it down easily. First off, the Grey Knights;

- 1x Castellan Crowe - Estimated £22.50
- 10x Grey Knights Strike Squad Infantry - £37.50
- 1x Nemesis Dreadknight - £37.50

This comes to a total of £97.50 as it is and we're only at half the box! Last but not least, we have Tzeentch's favourite dusty lads in the Thousand Sons;

- 1x Infernal Master -  £22.50 - We're estimating the same as Castellan for this one.
- 5x Scarab Occult Terminators - £35.00
- 10x Tzaangors - £27.50
- 1x Tzaangor Shaman - £20.00

For the Thousand Sons, we're at £105 if you paid for them separately.

So for value for money, it's definitely worth it. If you're interested in both armies or even have someone to split the bill with, you're definitely catching a bargain here!


#2) The set marks two new models. One of which sorely needed an upgrade, while the Thousand Sons get a great new fiery model to put into the field.

Castellan Crowe's individual model looks much bigger, better and cleaner than it's predecessor alongside new rules which we can confirm, the Black Blade of Antwyr is much more deadly than a standard chainsword at last.

The Infernal Master however, while also looking fantastic is more of a mage than a fighter and his abilities prove it in battle - expect high supportive abilities from this gentle...dust... man.

#3) Psychic powers now wield a harder punch than before, which certain Units knowing a specific psychic power alongside smite it ends up more controlled and there's less choice to go forward with unless you're being picky with Units. To give an example, Grey Knights used to be able to choose a psychic power from a list, but now depending on the Unit - it is chosen for you. However, several have been reworked to give more flavour on the field and to work hard alongside certain stratagems.

#4) Second to last, we have the new Codex'. As usual they are filled with a bright amount of lore and stories with particular interest being shown in Crusade rules which will please many. Grey Knights players will be pleased to know that Strike Squads are getting an incredible buff to 2x Wounds and 3x Attacks as standard, and while we haven't perused the Thousand Sons codex - we would like to assume a balance call has been made for them too so they're not left out.

#5) We highly anticipate that both of these new Codex' along with the new characters will be in a few META lists to come, specifically with the buff to Grey Knights in "<Brotherhoods>" where players will get to choose, what is effectively a chapter - much like the rest of the Space Marines can - that will give bonuses to select units with the keyword.

A fantastic week ahead of us in Warhammer 40k, alongside the new announcements for Dragons, the new Kill Team and additions to Blood Bowl have been extremely exciting to see and we'd love to hear your opinions on it. Feel free to give us a comment on Facebook with your thoughts.

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